
Profiles are created to customize an OpenSpace session.

You set which assets you want to use for a presentation, set some keybindings, add some actions, and save those settings in a profile using the profile editor. Upon launching OpenSpace with a profile selected, those data and settings will be loaded for your presentation.

Each of these pages is designed to offer a guided narrative with screen shots—the storytelling that drove the creation of the profile—links to the included data sets in Content, keyboard shortcuts, and actions included in the profile.

We list the Default profile first because it provides a basis for many other profiles. It includes all the basics and is often used for a Grand Tour of the Universe. The remaining are listed alphabetically.


We use the following symbols in profile pages to indicate actions:

  • : Flight instructions

  • : Turn on a data set

  • : Turn off a data set

  • : Adjust a setting for a data set

  • : Target an object

  • : Change the time settings


We will discuss profile authoring in a forthcoming page. For the time being, a syntax page exists for those who are comfortable with behind the scenes coding.