Custom directives

We have created custom Sphinx directives for the documentation.


1 all-sky image

Asset File:


OpenSpace Version:



A Composite H-alpha Template for Microwave Foreground Prediction; Bar; John Doe

Prepared by:

Doug Finkbeiner (Princeton), Brian Abbott (AMNH)

Source Version:




To use this, you need a Sphinx version of at least 7.4. To upgrade, run

pip install -r "requirements.txt"

The example above was created with the following code:

:census: 1 all-sky image
:assetfile: data/assets/scene/digitaluniverse/allsky_hydrogenalpha.asset
:openspaceversion: 1
:preparedby: Doug Finkbeiner (Princeton), Brian Abbott (AMNH)
:sourceversion: 2.01
:license: cc-by
:reference: A Composite H-alpha Template for Microwave Foreground Prediction=;Bar=;John Doe

All arguments are optional. The references are separated by ; and can be either a name with a link or just a name. If the name has a link, place the name like so: name=link. The link can be an internal link to the docs page or an external link. License can be one of: amnh, cc-by, and mit.