Milky Way Image
The Milky Way Image provides a basis, albeit representational and two-dimensional, of Galactic structure that’s typical of the Milky Way. It is an altered image of the galaxy NGC 1232, seen in the constellation Eridanus.
We chose this galaxy because it resembles the overall structure of the Milky Way—a spiral galaxy with a bar—and it is oriented face-on from our vantage point on Earth. While NGC 1232 is not precisely a twin of the Milky Way, which is believed to have a more pronounced bar, it is a good stand in for its bar, spiral structure, and the bright star-forming regions (HII regions) sprinkled in its arms. It is properly sized and oriented, and all the data sets inside and peripheral to the Galaxy may be viewed within this scaled context.
Image Modifications
To prepare this image, some alterations were necessary. We “painted out” some areas, in particular an area where it’s believed a companion galaxy was interacting with one of the outer spiral arms. Some work was also done on enhancing the image to highlight structure. And, of course, the foreground stars within the Milky Way were removed.
Census: |
1 image |
Asset File: |
OpenSpace Version: |
3 |
Reference: |
Prepared by: |
Carter Emmart, Brian Abbott (AMNH) |
Source Version: |
2.02 |
License: |