Name |
Documentation |
Type |
Description |
Optional |
The unique identifier for this layer. |
An identifier string. May not contain ‘.’, spaces, newlines, or tabs |
No |
Parameters that set individual adjustment parameters for this layer |
Yes |
Sets the blend mode of this layer to determine how it interacts with other layers on top of this |
In list { Normal, Multiply, Add, Subtract, Color } |
Yes |
If the ‘Type’ of this layer is a solid color, this value determines what this solid color is. |
Value of type ‘Color3’ |
Yes |
A human-readable description of the layer to be used in informational texts presented to the user |
Value of type ‘String’ |
Yes |
Determine whether the layer is enabled or not. If this value is not specified, the layer is disabled |
Value of type ‘Boolean’ |
Yes |
A human-readable name for the user interface. If this is omitted, the identifier is used instead |
Value of type ‘String’ |
Yes |
The opacity value of the layer |
In range: ( 0,1 ) |
Yes |
Specifies the render settings that should be applied to this layer |
Yes |
Specifies the type of layer that is to be added. If this value is not specified, the layer is a DefaultTileProvider |
In list { DefaultTileProvider, SingleImageProvider, ImageSequenceTileProvider, SizeReferenceTileProvider, TemporalTileProvider, TileIndexTileProvider, TileProviderByIndex, TileProviderByLevel, SolidColor, SpoutImageProvider, VideoTileProvider } |
Yes |
Determines where the layer is placed in the list of available layers. Layers are applied in the order of their Z indices, with higher indices obscuring layers with lower values. |
Greater than: 0 |
Yes |
Table parameters for Adjustment
Parameters that set individual adjustment parameters for this layer
Optional: Yes
Name |
Documentation |
Type |
Description |
Optional |
Specifies the chroma key used when selecting ‘ChromaKey’ for the ‘Type’ |
Value of type ‘Vector3 |
Yes |
Specifies the tolerance to match the color to the chroma key when the ‘ChromaKey’ type is selected for the ‘Type’ |
Value of type ‘Double’ |
Yes |
Specifies the type of the adjustment that is applied |
In list { None, ChromaKey, TransferFunction } |
Yes |
Table parameters for Settings
Specifies the render settings that should be applied to this layer
Optional: Yes
Name |
Documentation |
Type |
Description |
Optional |
The gamma value that is applied to each pixel of the layer |
Value of type ‘Double’ |
Yes |
The multiplicative factor that is applied to each pixel of the layer |
Value of type ‘Double’ |
Yes |
An additive offset that is applied to each pixel of the layer |
Value of type ‘Double’ |
Yes |